Can one work without the other? This is a good question because in today’s world businesses and individuals are constantly trying to cut costs. The reason is usually because they need to be cheaper than their competitors. Small businesses are putting too much emphasis on price cutting and undercutting their competitors whilst simultaneously creating price wars.
This is taking place in the entire advertising industry. We do not even know what the yardstick in estimating is anymore. Even in the printing industry where margins are small. Competitors have lowered their costs so dramatically and as a result printers around South Africa have to close their doors.
The same is true of adverting and branding; graphic design costs have hit rock bottom; so much so that some uninformed customers have sacrificed the key advice and guidance of the much needed marketing expert. The marketing coordinator is the person who leads the advertising campaign through education and experience. He/she art directs the design ideas and most importantly the communication strategy to the designer who then lays it out creatively and in a professional way.
The marketing executive will meet with the client, chat and get to know the business. They will research the company culture as well as align them to markets. Subconsciously without even producing a formal proposal or document this professional has made defined ideas, communication adverts and directions as to where he/she believes the company can proceed in order to have sustainable growth, attract and conserve customers.
This is why Brandjam ensures that three majorly essential and mutually in-exclusive parts are always partnered together during every project. The Consumer, The Marketing Consultant and The Graphic
Designer must work together in synergy. Hand in hand a logo is created, a website is designed or an event is planned.
The marketing specialist is the cog that holds it all together. The graphic designer needs the guidance and direction of the marketing specialist and so does the consumer. Plus the marketing
consultant cannot do this without the information acquired from the consumer as well as visual representations from the graphic designer.
Utilising a marketing individual will not break the bank or even cost you more. Incorporating a marketing consultant will undoubtedly save you time – the alternative being you trying to figure it all out by yourself. They will save you from creating a non-value product or brand that has no real culture or personality. Save you money spent on adverts that don’t communicate to the customer.
And so, we will therefore; last but not least – MAKE YOU MONEY.