Getting your business noticed on social media takes a little bit more effort, time and expertise than you might think. Social media marketing is more than just posting about your business on social platforms. You need to build credibility to your followers, figure out which social media sites your target market frequent, and create fresh and sharable content if you want to grow your company’s digital footprint. All of this is hard to do when all your time and energy is consumed carrying out core business tasks. Outsourcing your social media management to a company like Brandjam gives you peace of mind that your digital marketing is handled by trusted experts.
Our social media management service aims to cover all bases of your digital marketing needs- lead generation, SEO, fresh content and striking visuals.
Our standard social media management package includes:
8 posts designed and scheduled on social media platforms of your choice
80 Linkedin connections made and marketed to.
80 Twitter Followers made
80 Instagram followers made
10 Facebook Groups joined
Blog postings
Monthly reports
When social media marketing is done the right way, it can do wonders for your business and goes beyond lead generation and direct sales. Below are some of the benefits of outsourcing to a social media agency.
Social media is an awesome platform you can use to educate your audience on your brand, products or services, and your industry. The more people know about your business, the more likely they are to trust it. This boosts credibility.
While social media is a fun and interactive platform you can exploit, it is still important that your business social media pages remain professional. This is achieved by well-designed posts, relevant and friendly content, and consistency.
Brand exposure
Brand exposure remains the number 1 reason why you should invest in social media marketing. Social media experts are able to ensure that your business is targeted towards just the right audience for your business. Consistent and relevant activity on your pages will keep people interested enough to visit your website and hopefully drive action. All this is a result of the increasing brand exposure you’ll gain from social media marketing.
Standing out from the crowd
Having a good and professional online presence will set your business apart from the rest. We give you a product that is of the highest quality and that is tailored to your business needs- something we are almost certain your competitors don’t have.